The Champion Crew

Friday, July 16, 2010

Kaylee's A&M Camp

Kaylee and her very good friend Britain somehow convinced us it would be a good idea to met up at a week long swim camp at Texas A&M. Since Jessi and I were dorm friends at A&M it was an easy sell. Honestly had it been anywhere else it would have never worked. Britain flew in to Houston just in time and off we went. The girls stayed in an off campus dorm and were put in a room with two other girls, who were oddly enough from Arkansas as well. Here are the four of them:

They were all pretty nervous, but I am sure no more than me! Kaylee has been gone from home fairly often. In fact when we were in college she went to stay with my parents for a week every finals season, thats school finals not sports related! She has even been to sleep away camp before, but this time was different. Maybe because it was College Station or maybe it was the fact that the girls were pretty much on their own. The closest counselor was accross the building and the girls were responsibile to getting themselves up in the morning and down at night. I must say, at the end I was very impressed. They did a great job and had such a wonderful time. Here are a few more pictures I took at the end of camp:

I noticed they are standing much more closely to each other and looking far more comfortable!

And last but not least, as we were leaving Layne's (and yes it was awesome!) the girls asked about the bonfire memorial. Since I had never actually gotten out and walked around we went to check it out. I was not ready for the rush of emotions that took over walking thru and re-reading all the stories of the lives that had fallen that day. I was very impressed with the memorial, here are the girls:

So, all in all it was a great experience and the girls are hoping to makeit an annual event!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Logan at 18 months

Logan is a great toddler. He has really starting showing his true personality and we all love laughing with (or at) him. He loves to pick on Samantha, and to be carried around by Kaylee. He runs almost everywhere and is starting to really talk. He favorite words are Mama, Dada, KK, puppy, paci, and ball. Yes, notice there is no Samantha - he just laughs at that one. And yes, that is a star wars shirt while playing the playstation, Kurt doesn't think the brainwashing can start too early!
Here are he statistics from his dr. appt:
Height: 33 1/8 inches (77%)
Weight: 23 pounds 12 ounces (23%)
Head: 19 1/4 inches (75%)
Still has the lolli-pop frame!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Samantha's big day

Samantha graduated from pre-k today, and although I think its a bit over the top to graduate from pre-k, who can resist that cute smile. She had a great time and did wonderful on stage. Here she is getting her diploma (or poem!)

She also had her 5th party at the Children's Museum of Houston. It is one of her favorite places and she truly enjoyed spending some time there with her friends. Only hard part was going home in the end. Here is a few photos from the party.

Happy birthday Sammie!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

New Saturday

This spring Kurt and I will be splitting time at seperate YMCA events. This weekend, Kurt got Kaylee's volleyball match, mainly because it was a double header and I could not manage to get dressed in time. But I did get to see Samantha's first soccer game. The first challange was to get her to put shorts on. After that she was ready. And here we are:

She ran on the field and chased after the ball - so all in all it was a success. Next time I go to volleyball I will get a picture of Kaylee!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Trying this out

So, I love reading all the blogs of my friends and family so thought I would give it a try. Lets try a picture:

This is the family, in order: Kurt, Me (Melissa), Kaylee, Samantha, and Logan. I am not going to try and get ahead of myself, so we will call this attempt number 1.