The Champion Crew

Monday, May 24, 2010

Logan at 18 months

Logan is a great toddler. He has really starting showing his true personality and we all love laughing with (or at) him. He loves to pick on Samantha, and to be carried around by Kaylee. He runs almost everywhere and is starting to really talk. He favorite words are Mama, Dada, KK, puppy, paci, and ball. Yes, notice there is no Samantha - he just laughs at that one. And yes, that is a star wars shirt while playing the playstation, Kurt doesn't think the brainwashing can start too early!
Here are he statistics from his dr. appt:
Height: 33 1/8 inches (77%)
Weight: 23 pounds 12 ounces (23%)
Head: 19 1/4 inches (75%)
Still has the lolli-pop frame!!

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